We work primarily on behalf of the population, for the clarification of
misappropriation of taxpayers' money as well as obvious donations to politicians
from economic assets to politicians, to enforce laws that are harmful to the people and
enacted laws.

Wir arbeiten vorrangig übergeordnet für die Bevölkerung, zur Aufklärung von
zweckfremder Verwendung von Steuermitteln sowie offensichtlicher Zuwendungen
aus Wirtschaftsvermögen an Politiker, zur Durchsetzung volksschädlich, undemokratisch
erlassener Gesetze. 

The world's first and only, non-governmental research project to fight corruption through time travel advice

Texas / Germany, Sep. 19th, 2023
In a groundbreaking collaboration, the renowned Corruption Consulting and the avant-garde Agency for Time Travel Consulting (afttc) have joined forces to explore innovative ways to detect and stop corruption. The project aims to identify corruption at the planning stage through mental future journeys and develop effective prevention measures.

The research project, which will take place over a period of about 3 years, will bring together a combination of experts in anti-corruption and experts specially trained by afttc in time travel consulting. It is expected that they will develop innovative approaches to identify potential cases of corruption before they occur and to devise effective prevention strategies. 

Corruption cannot and must never be an accepted method in society

This organization is a non-governmental organization that, for various reasons, has chosen to conduct its work covertly to ensure its integrity and the safety of its members.
This work is of the highest public interest and is supported by many people in the highest positions, protected in Germany by the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG).


korruptions consulting us
Office USA
friendship since 2010

Office for Affairs in the USA and Canada.

in partnership of afttc texas usa
Brandnew technologies based on quantum physics. 

As the first project worldwide. We are promoting the agency for time travel consulting in order to be able to curb corruption that may occur in the future.

korruptions consulting ger
HF technologies

SpaceEnergy and frequency weapons. Consulting Agency.
Technology for modern, frequency-based defense systems.

Our mission

In most cases it is not a company that commissions us directly. Rather, we are informed of potential misconduct in the areas of pharmaceuticals, vehicle construction, chemicals, energy and in political and administrative offices by whistleblowers who are to be treated anonymously. After years of comprehensive collection of data and records, as well as our latest influential collaborations, we will be reporting comprehensively and in great detail on all public and social media in the near future.

Our reports and data collections were distributed to our offices around the world at the beginning of our activity in 2010, only as written copies.

Our work, which is important to the public, can never be carried out by public authorities. The most recent cases of corruption in the EU Parliament alone, suggest that the sometimes dangerous investigations in the field of corruption are being made impossible with further bribes. To protect our members, we only work with very carefully selected people who have been internally checked several times, but who work together completely anonymously because there, too, there is an extreme risk that our members may be exposed to corruption.

Certification ?

A certification by Korruption-Consulting, is one of the world's most highly regarded economic assets, even before the gold currency. Our whistle blowers are protected first by us and only then by the Whistleblower Protection Act in Germany and other laws applied worldwide.

How to find corruption

In most cases, you don't have to look for it nowadays. A little attention at the daily news they are presented to us publicly an by the simple method "follow the trail of money". If the trail is blurred by obviously applied methods, you can be very sure, you are on the right track.

Certificated Clients

In the future here you'll find some of our certificated clients

afttc Agency for time travel consulting usa
CONSEFW Consulting agency for space energy and frequency weapons

Steps to contact us


Contact Us

Contacts only on written request
to one of our offices.

We will contact you

After the first written contact, we will get in touch with you.

Start Consultation

After the first verified contact, we try to build a loyal partnership

About Korruptions-Consulting

This organization will be organized as an estate to fund or implement specific purposes or projects. In such cases, a trustee or other agent will be appointed for the particular purpose to manage the assets on behalf of the organization.
Cross-country laws and regulations will be taken into account in the country concerned by the trustee or administrator appointed in each case.

Contact / Imprint

Whistleblowers are welcome.


only on written request


on written request only


78373 PORT ARANSAS Texas
PO BOX 3284
c/o Thomas Nikola
Steinbruchweg 25
DEU-53227 Bonn 

Contact to website admin:
admin AT korruptions-consulting.org

No warning without prior contact! If the content or the presentation of these pages violate foreign rights of third parties or legal provisions, we ask for an appropriate message without cost note. "No warning without prior contact!"

Working Hours

8:00 am - 1:00 pm GMT

All members have chosen to do their work in secret to ensure their integrity, security and protection from corruption.

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